McMichael Catalogues

View Generations: The Sobey Family & Canadian Art Catalogue

Generations: The Sobey Family & Canadian Art Catalogue

$55.00 CAD

View Paintings for Sale: Maud Lewis - Exhibition Catalogue

Paintings for Sale: Maud Lewis - Exhibition Catalogue

$35.00 CAD

View Jen Aitken: RBC Emerging Artist Residency

Jen Aitken: RBC Emerging Artist Residency

$15.00 CAD

View Denyse Thomasos: Odyssey

Denyse Thomasos: Odyssey

$35.00 CAD

View Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment

Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment

$60.00 CAD

View Elisapee Ishulutaq: My World

Elisapee Ishulutaq: My World

$25.00 CAD

View Into the Light: Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald - Exhibition Catalogue

Into the Light: Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald - Exhibition Catalogue

$50.00 CAD $10.00 CAD

View Vers la Lumiere: Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald - Exhibition Catalogue
Out of Stock

Vers la Lumiere: Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald - Exhibition Catalogue

$50.00 CAD $10.00 CAD

View Vers de Nouveaux Sommets : Lawren Harris et ses contemporains américains

Vers de Nouveaux Sommets : Lawren Harris et ses contemporains américains

$20.00 CAD